Sunday, August 31, 2008

22nd Birthday :)

I just had to write this.
I had the most amazing, fantastic, remarkable, marvelous birthday ever.
So I want to convey my thanks virtually to everyone who made my birthday wonderful. Coz everyone likes to be appreciated, right? :)

Firstly, my family and relatives. Thank you for the nasi dagang at breakfast, the wishes and celebration at home (sorry I made you guys wait til I come back), the scrumptious cake, perfume, personalized towel, kain baju kurung, sweater, card, car sticker (?), book, necklace, eye liner, lip balm and money. Lots of it.

Thank you to si kacak Faiz Mokhtar for the wish, birthday song, little gifts and the oh-so-romantic candle-lit dinner, not forgetting the coming (soon, I hope :P) birthday present, haha.

Thank you to Mas for the wish, cute birthday card, nice car freshener and the fabulous watch! Love it loads!!

Thank you to Fit for wishing and posting the super gorgeous brooches and selendang Lovely!

Thank you to Fazliny for the wish and cute but cannot-be-mentioned-here piece of clothing, hehe :)

Thank you to Sarah, Mer and Suat Wei for the wish, birthday dinner at Chili's and the lipstick. I totally love it!

Thank you to Dalila for the wish and lovely kain!

Thank you to Jun Xuan for the wish and nicely modified horoscope frame :) No wonder we're so compatible ;p

Thank you to Iza for wishing and coming all the way from Sg Petani (;p) to give the silky grey top with the cute paperbag (?) ;)

Thanks Aliah for the wish and cute black shirt and pink selendang. Can't wait to wear it on our next hangout!

Thanks Suriya for wishing on my birthday and giving me that HUGE adorable mug. Anyone fancy a cuppa? ;P

Thank you to Faetz for the wish and lunch (was that a birthday treat even? I'm assuming it is, hehe)

Thank you to Nora for your call, albeit belated ;p

Thank you to Amira, Nora (coursemate), Sam, Hana, Berett, Imran, Bank Islam (?, haha), Inda, Peanut, Jau, Jejan, Myra and Izzati for your smses :)

Thank you to Zack, Alex, Skynext (?), Zul, Iela, Amirul, Chidah, Azim, Etong, Mariani, Nadia, Abby, Shima, Odit, Ashraf, Irfan, Bulost, Haziq, Jp, Nazar, Zatil, Fadilah and Paktam for your virtual wishes, although I reminded some of you, haha.

Thank you to Kak Ija and Mr Sara of SunMed.

Thanks to BF, Mas, Sarah, Imran for wishing multiple times! :)

Thanks to GSC for the free movie coupon.

Thanks to Jusco and Diners Club for various coupons, although I didn't use most of them.

Sigh (happily). I just love birthdays :)


daydreambeliever said...

lambat wish...
nways,happy belated birthday...
have a great year ahead!

Anonymous said...

Heh.. nak kene remind ko cakap? aku dah wish awal-awal tapi ko offline. Hehe..
Perkhh.. banyak gilos adiah ko.. seram aku tengok. Sori la kalau tak dapat kasi adiah ye. Hehe..

Nadirah Mannan said...

ler banyak hadiah nape nak seram pulak.
rezeki la irfan, jgn jeles.
kte pn tak sangka byk giler.
a lot of ppl love me i guess, haha.

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